Information, Technology, and Learning

Instruction, Learning, and Technology

FilterED’s Instruction, Learning and Technology (ILT) module assesses six key elements that contribute to your learning ecosystem. This module collects data from stakeholders on their experience with technology based on their role in the education system and generates dashboards that measure the impact of technology deployment on students, staff, and the community.

The six areas of measurement are:

  • Leadership & Vision
  • Resources
  • Technology Infrastructure
  • Instruction & Learning
  • Practice & Implementation
  • Learner Impact
Six areas of measurement shown in chart form: Leadership & Vision, Resources, Technology Infrastructure, Instruction & Learning, Practice & Implementation and Learner impact

Data collected is aggregated and reports are generated based on the results so decision-makers can very quickly tell what areas are showing positive results and where the district may want to make changes.

Instruction, Learning, and Technology is not about counting instructional applications and devices but is designed to get to the heart of what is working or not working in the use of technology for teachers, students, parents, office staff, and administration. ILT is grounded in existing frameworks for technology and learning such as the ISTE Standards for Students, CoSN Digital Leap Success Matrix, Framework of Essential Skills for the K-12 CTO, and Future Ready Schools.